December 2, 2011, TORONTO – The Ontario Labour Relations Board has ordered an end to the 11-week strike at the Chinese Canadian newspaper Ming Pao Daily. The union contract will be decided within weeks by an arbitrator.
The Labour Board issued a scorching 14-page decision, placing the blame for the impasse at the feet of the employer for failing to recognize the legitimacy of the union and refusing to negotiate fairly.
“This is a great victory and the strikers want to thank the community and the labour movement for the support throughout the last three months,” said Union Chair Simon Sung, a graphic artist at the newspaper. “The families of the strikers were behind us too, and that made all of the difference.”
When the strike began, the union and the company were at odds over wages and job security. During bargaining, the company laid off 10 employees including the chair and vice chair of the union bargaining team. Legal proceedings regarding those layoffs continue at the Labour Board later this month.
For further information contact Simon Sung at 647-404-9428 or Paul Morse, president of CEP Local 87-M Southern Ontario Newsmedia Guild at 1-905-536-5650.