HOT POT TALKS X MAYWORKS ft. Karine Ng and Rita Wong

Join Hot Pot Talks along with Mayworks BC for a special edition episode on ‘Chinatown, Labour, Futures’, where guests speakers, Karine Ng and Rita Wong will talk about the living histories of Chinatown labour organizing, and current issues related to intersectional social movement building.

“Hot Pot Talks” is a virtual talk show series hosted by David Ng and Jen Sungshine, co-founders of Love Intersections – an arts collective of queer artists of colour. Hot Pot Talks grows from their collaborations in the Chinatown community, and their desires to cultivate relationships on themes of diaspora, cultural sharing, decolonization, Land Back, food art practices, and cultural production. “Hot Pot Talks” is a virtual platform where artists, activists, and other cultural workers come to share stories and strategies for doing intersectional, anti-racist social justice work through the labour movement, through the co-op model, and through art and culture.

HOT POT TALKS X MAYWORKS ft. Karine Ng and Rita Wong

May 10, 2023 at 6:00pm PT/9:00pm ET

Register HERE.

Event Registration Form
